How can we positively address our group's mental health to help them be their best?
How can we positively address our group's mental health to help them be their best?
Dear Friend,
If you've experienced my transformational program, "The 7 Voices in Your Head", you know that it's a powerful message of healing and hope. It's a wonderful, entertaining message, but as everything else in life. long-term results only happen when you take positive ACTION.
That's why I've created this companion follow-up program; to help you to bring these "voices" to a place where they're working FOR you in every aspect of your life, and not against you.
The '7 Voices' 21-Day Challenge is a daily 3-minute video message from me -- an exercise, meditation or activity based on the '7 Voices' Philosophy to help you bring the transformative words, actions and thought processes of the '7 Voices' program to life. Together we're going to ZAP your personal Brain Invaders and re-program your negative 'Voices' with confident, clear directives to move you from mediocre to magnificent in the way you feel about your career, your relationships, and your family life.
Start with Day 1 below, and make your way back here each day. I sincerely hope the 21-Day Challenge will be the reinforcement you need to get out of your head and into your life!
With enthusiasm and anticipation,
Your first video in this journey! Get ready with pen and paper in hand; a journal or notebook is highly recommended to start and continue on your 21-day adventure.
Today we discuss "M&M"s - "Mini-Milestones" - and their long-term impact on you and those you know in your life. Bring your notebook!
"Getting Real" is our topic of the day; we'll dive into what constitutes a realistic comparison and how to determine whether or not YOUR comparison thoughts qualify as 'real'.
Today we move into the Voice of Regret and explore the two most interesting things about regret that researchers have discovered. Let's dive in!
Woulda, coulda, shoulda? Not today! Today we dive into "Failing Forward" and how the lack of it may be holding you back. Let's rock!
What is a "fixer"? And how does it tie into the Voice of Regret? That's our topic today. This is a deep one, but it's going to SO worth it. Give it your best!
"Imposter Syndrome" has affected most everyone at some point in their lives. Where have YOU felt it, and is it still at work inside your head? Today we explore the issue and the consequences of its continuation.
Today's exploration is the "BUT" Factor, the choice we often make NOT to accept praise for the positive things that happen to us. Let's do this together!
Today is Turnaround Day for Imposter Syndrome! Our session revolves around staring down this Inadequacy thing and moving upward and onward. Buckle up!
It's a GREAT day to SHED a negative Voice! If you've ever felt like who you are (or aren't!) is all because of the DNA you ended up with, take heart with the message and the exercise here in Day 10.
Significance has little to do with your genetic makeup, and everything to do with knowing what to do with what you've been given. Rock On here with Day 11's uplifting message!
Fear of failure is so prevalent in our society, psychologists and experts actually have a clinical word for it: atyichophobia. Today's message addresses failure head-on, not as a negative but as fuel for your future!
It seems counterintuitive to say that failing makes you smarter, but lean in to this take on the subject. You'll be energized when you look closely for the "lightning" that exists in YOUR past trials and errors.
The act of "deleting" old files and folders from your computer isn't always fun, but it's often necessary to create space for new files, new ideas and new opportunities. What about your brain?
Do you constantly "should" all over yourself? I 'should have done this' or I 'shouldn't have done that' can be exhausting, and it's that "voice" of Guilt that we begin to tackle in this segment.
Were you familiar with the "Cycle of Guilt" before the '7 Voices' program? It's very common, but often goes unaddressed or untreated. Today's message explores the Cycle and how it might be affecting you personally.
We learned yesterday that positive ACTION is necessary in order to break the Cycle of Guilt. But how do we begin? Let's take a look at how you can break the Cycle and move yourself forward positively -- starting today.
All of us have experienced a debilitating loss or emotional trauma at some point in our lives. It's a "voice" that isn't easily quieted, and can profoundly affect us in so many ways. Today's message is an important step toward healing.
Often we feel as though we've done something terribly wrong and somehow deserve the heartbreak we're experiencing. Forgiveness is a powerful concept in navigating the way forward through Heartbreak.
You. Are. Worthy.
Bring an open heart and an open mind to today's message, and breathe in its healing qualities. It may be THE message you've needed to hear.
Congratulations! You've completed the 21-Day Challenge, and with it comes the satisfaction of knowing how to continually meet, treat and DEFEAT each of the 7 Voices in your life and the lives of those around you.
Please leave a review of the program at; I'd be honored to hear from you with your heartfelt assessment. Thank You!